Ableton 9 Authorization File

Authorizing Live. Live Versions: 9-10. Operating System: All Authorizing Ableton products Before working with Ableton products, it is necessary to authorize them for use with your computer. You can authorize Live either online or offline:. If you encounter issues authorizing Live or need help with authorizing Live Trial or Live in a multi-user environment, please take a look at Before you authorize Live Please ensure that you have.

A registration is only required if you have purchased Live through a reseller. If you purchased Live through our webshop, the license is registered automatically for your convenience. If you do not yet have a serial number, you can still use Live (with or without its add-on instruments) but you will not be able to save or export your work. Once Live is registered, you can download the latest Live installer from your and. Authorizing Live online Authorizing online is the easiest way to authorize, as Live connects directly to the Ableton server and authorizes automatically. To authorize online, you will need internet access for the computer on which you have installed Live and an internet browser.

For the latter, we recommend to use. When starting Live, you will see an authorization dialog:. Click 'Authorize with'. This will automatically open your internet browser and take you to Log in to your Ableton user account. Once you're logged in, select the license to authorize.

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Should you have more than one Live license registered with your account, use the drop down menu to select a license and make sure that the selected license matches the Live installation you want to authorize:. Click on 'Authorize' and the server will send authorization information to your computer:.

Once Live has been authorized successfully, a final dialog is shown: Please Note: In some cases, Live may not authorize automatically. If this happens, try accessing the authorization page with another web browser (e.g. Firefox or Chrome) or try the Offline Authorization as explained below. Authorizing Live offline If the computer on which you've installed Live is not connected to the internet, follow these instructions to authorize:. First, install Live on the computer that you wish to use it on.

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When starting Live, you will see an authorization dialog. Please click on 'No Internet on this computer':. Live will display another dialog window in which the Hardware-Code of your computer is shown, as well as further information regarding the Offline Authorization process:. Please note down the Hardware-Code of your computer.

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You can also save this information as a text file to make it easier to refer to in the following steps (just click on 'Save.' On the bottom right corner).

Take your hardware code (or the saved text file) as well as a portable storage device such as a USB key to a computer with an internet connection. On the internet-connected computer, log into your. Once you're logged in, select your Ableton license from the list(in case you only have one license registered, selecting a license is not necessary) and click 'authorize offline':. Enter your hardware code from Live and click 'Download File.' The Ableton server will generate an authorization (.auz) file for the computer you want to authorize Live on. Save the authorization file to your portable storage device and bring it back to the computer Live is installed on. Open Live 10 and drag the.auz file onto the authorization dialog The authorization dialog can also be found within the Live Preferences' 'License / Maintenance' tab: Related Articles.