Cutting Edge Intermediate

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From United Kingdom to U.S.A. About this Item: Pearson Education Limited, United Kingdom, 2005. Condition: New. Language: German,English. Brand New Book.

Cutting Edge Intermediate Student Book

New reading and listening texts bring the real world to the classroom New activities and tasks present, practise and extend the language in meaningful contexts New Study. Sections combine study skills with consolidation to encourage students to learn more effectively New Mini-checks allow students to monitor their progress New Pronunciation boxes develop ear-training skills New design and layout makes the course even easier to follow. Seller Inventory # AAK178 6.


From United Kingdom to U.S.A. About this Item: Pearson Education Limited, United Kingdom, 2005. Condition: New. Language: German,English. Brand New Book.

New reading and listening texts bring the real world to the classroom New activities and tasks present, practise and extend the language in meaningful contexts New Study. Sections combine study skills with consolidation to encourage students to learn more effectively New Mini-checks allow students to monitor their progress New Pronunciation boxes develop ear-training skills New design and layout makes the course even easier to follow. Seller Inventory # AAK178 9. From Ireland to U.S.A. About this Item: Longman ELT, 2005. Condition: New.

The New Cutting Edge Student Books combine the comprehensive syllabus and reliable teaching resources that have made the course so popular, with brand-new features, making it even fresher and easier to use. Series: Cutting Edge.

Num Pages: 176 pages. BIC Classification: 2AB; EL. Category: (L) ELT / TEFL.

Dimension: 296 x 199 x 11. Weight in Grams: 566. Seller Inventory # V178 10.

Sarah Cunnigham

Kieso's Intermediate Accounting is the learning program that connects students to key concepts in an accessible and meaningful way. Through unmatched pedagogy, market-leading content, and the WileyPLUS learning management platform Kieso sets the standard for the intermediate accounting course. The new 15th Edition is taking a Student-Centered approach to learning with a new digital and print package empowering students to access content anytime, anywhere.

Peter Moor

Kieso 15e also incorporates the latest CPA content, trend-setting IFRS coverage, and intermediate accounting updates. Helping teachers teach and students learn, Intermediate Accounting by Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield is the next evolution in intermediate accounting teaching materials. Table of Contents.