Opticum Hd 9600 Prima Software Update

Software update by usb. High definition multimedia hdmi lcd and plasma tv for component video output. Opticum hd ts 9600 prima id: ots9600prima.

Software 3.05 Conax 3.05 JPEG Viewer, compared to 3.02 3.04/3.05 Lower reader does not decode, sees the card but does not decode, you have to wait for the patch. 3.02 does not even checked before but probably not decode.

Display settings for me are poor compared to 7x00CXE. Only transparency and duration of the standby tuner does not show all the time in a dark screen, I just glanced at what time tuner Able to give options for the channel name scrolling on the display, you need to add much more. When you change the channel scrolls a long time and then you see only the beginning. Shar me not at all interested in anything so I will not be tested Generally soft fast at 3.05 GLOBO showed. OSD via HDMI / Component is strange, I do not know if it kicked hardware or software, such as if the transfer is 'fairies', the picture is about my LCD monitor can wine or something but I doubt.

Opticum hd 9600 prima

Opticum Hd 9600 Prima

Prima software company

Unfortunately, monitor / TV I have in another room, and as long as the TV card connected to the SD.