Paint Shop Pro 8 Picture Tubes
PaintShop Pro (PSP) Tube Depot. With this and Photo Shop, all your Tubes. The artists here have spent hours creating these Paint Shop Pro images. Create Your Own Picture Tubes Page 1 Open a New Image 1. Open PurpleBead.pspimage in Paint Shop Pro (this file is backward compatible to versions 7. Free PSP Picture Tubes and help for Paint Shop Pro. Paint Shop Pro 8 even includes a program for creating your own animated gif files.
All of my picture Tubes are for Paint Shop Pro 7 and higher. They were created from images either scanned from books, cards, wrapping paper etc.
And edited or created from scratch by me in one of my many graphics programs. These.tub files are zipped. Unzip them and put them in your PSP 7 Tubes folder and they are ready to use.:-) NOTE: I tend to make some of my tubes rather large. I find it easier when using them to downsize and sharpen rather then make them bigger when needed.
The quality when enlarging them just isn't as good. Take note of the percentage the tubes are shown. Each page could be different. ATTENTION - A WORD ABOUT 'EMPTY' ZIP FILES. It has come to my attention that sometimes when downloading my tubes the zips download correctly but come up empty.
I looked into this and sure enough at different times when downloading the zips, they open up with nothing inside. This puzzled me because I can guarantee the zips are not empty. After inquiring at different places what would cause this, the only conclusion I came to was that when the server is very busy this can sometimes happen. I have tested downloading with a download manager (Getright) and they download properly. If you are having problems, I suggest you use a download manager such as GetRight, GoZilla. Flashget etc. Come in and participate in our PSP Pro discussions.
Exchange ideas, get information etc. These tubes are for your personal use only. They are not to be used in any collections or claimed as your own.
Established 01/27/01 Copyright 2001-2010 Luxury All rights reserved.
Paint Shop Photo Album 4
– A great place to start your search is with the free picture tubes made available by Corel, the developers of Paint Shop Pro. The selections offered here range from specialized tubes with holiday images to more general items that can be used for all sorts of photo-editing projects, including the creation of digital scrapbook pages. – This is another great source for free picture tubes and other content that can be used in Paint Shop Pro as well. The assortment here is quite original, and all images are available for both personal and commercial use.
Free Picture Tubes For Paint Shop Pro 8
– There are definitely some cool items at this web site! Although there is quite a collection of items to choose from, my favorites are in the wigs category. With these picture tubes, you can give subjects in your photos a fun makeover. – If you’re looking for something really unique and closer in appearance to a photograph than a drawing, take a look at the picture tubes available at this site. Some of the many designs available include dolls, angels, animals, gems and jewels, flowers, and sea shells. As always, make sure you’re using antivirus software and that you scan the files before using them. I’ve never had trouble with the picture tubes that I’ve downloaded from any of these sites, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be careful.
Many of these picture tubes are zipped, so you will need an extraction utility such as before you can add them to Paint Shop Pro. If you need more help on figuring out how to add and access these additional elements in Paint Shop Pro once you’ve downloaded them, we’ll cover that in Part 3 of this series. For more information on the other features in Paint Shop Pro, be sure to take a look at the other articles in the here on the Digital Photography Channel.