Sega Games Windows

I have put all these collections together not for profit, but to share the old systems with whoever wants them, all in one convenient place. The cost per sale covers the cost of each drive, shipping and my time – I’ve spent hundreds of hours on all of these, I don’t believe asking for some compensation to cover my time collecting, sorting, repairing, collating, building, scripting, testing and more is asking too much. Most of the software included in these collections can be freely downloadable from the internet.

  1. Sega Games List
Sega games list

Sega Games List

Guide to play SEGA games on Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7, XP and Vista with the KEGA Fusion SEGA emulator, which emulates the Megadrive/Genesis, Game Gear. Will there be any Sega Games coming to Windows Store PC? Like, Sonic CD that was on Windows Mobile, But can U get it on Windows Store PC too? Sega is the company that has been making Sega game gear, CD, and genesis. Sega systems are now classics. They can sold at any site that sells old games. Or any store that sells old games. You can try out the demo of this game then support then games and then PC games and you should see it.

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