Lose The Heat 1 Games
It is time to lose the heat as police is consistently running behind you to catch you. You have to complete a mission in this game. The mission is starts from a bar.
Lose The Heat 1
Lose The Heat 1 Game Freak
Name: Lose the Heat 2 Description: The second part of the game Lose the Heat II with the police and prosecution super cops are on your tail cars with beacon, jeeps and various machines that track thieves and criminals who tried to escape the police is after them. Win increasingly more difficulty levels in the new missions that you have, try to find as many activities with which to manage to get more quickly to end missions and in this way you can get to earn bonus points which are placed on your route road. Collect dollars, euros and money that can bring you bonus points that manage to change your car into one stronger and faster so you run from the police and quickly. Some racing and racing police car will be off roud, so you have to go with the car and trying to escape the police is on your tail jumping over various bridges over obstacles that are put in front of you in particular so confuse you and not let you pass them. When gangster accelerate your car you will see how the car's rear wheels will come flames so big fart machine has power, but be careful not to derail her and win as many levels of difficulty in each event. We expect you with a comment on every game that you play and also tell us how did you find each of the super difficulty level of the game. Earn bonus points and try to get top ranking in this way that you escaped police super game in 3D unity shown by Lose the Heat 2.
Keywords: lose the heat games, Police games 2015, police and thieves games.
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