Norton Ghost 12 Dos Version Of Lemmings

Or did Norton Ghost 12 and 13 support DOS. *Last* DOS version of Ghost, and external Seagate USB HDD. *Last* DOS version of Ghost, and external Seagate USB HDD.

IB::Topic::How to run Norton Ghost 11.5.GHO file:: Home for the EZB Community! » Welcome Guest :: » » » How to run Norton Ghost 11.5.GHO file Page 2 of 3 2 :::: Topic: How to run Norton Ghost 11.5.GHO file balder Group: Members Posts: 1936 Joined: Oct. 2008 Posted on: Mar.

27 2015,02:26 @naeembabakheil Quote: 'which file should i choose in that.iso u provided' Answer: NONE of those files, and I repeat; ' Ghost32.exe is such example, designed to run only in Windows environment' But this floppy image we are going to use is DOS and NOT Windows So how can you positively think you can use an 32-bit program in DOS environment - because you can't! Please read carefully and follow tutorials fully out - Attention! Luckily I have found an direct download of Ghost.exe (DOS-version of Ghost11) Download Put this file to folder disk1 in EasyBoot and follow guidelines in post nr;2 (skip step 9 as you now already have ghost.exe in folder disk1) - Some info.

I'm also critical to how you created ghost image of your WinXP-system The 100% correct way is to do it from DOS (reboot computer and create ghost image) Further more; you cannot use lets say ghost11 to create an image and then use ghost8 to 'clone' back (restore) your WindowsXP because Ghost images created by an 'higher ghost' (ghost11 as example) can not be used by an 'lower ghost (ghost8 as example. To sum up; ghost images created by ghost11 (as example) can not be cloned back using ghost8 (or ghost 2003 as example), the are 'mismatched' (incompatible) However ghost images created using ghost11 (any version as long it is ghost11) can of course be cloned back using any Ghost11 (any version) Same goes for 'Ghostexp.exe'.

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Ghostexp.exe can have problems to open an ghost image that has been created by an 'higher' ghost version. I know this is a lot to absorb in an short time, but think a while about this: I live my life by the following words of wisdom and philosophy: every day I learn something new, signaling to me as an individual, I still have so much to learn And the more I learn, the more I realize how much I still have to learn And I'm getting to the age and are anything but fully learned. You can also call it humility - balder Edited by balder on Mar. 27 2015,03:29 - Download complete set of scripts including help file Note: Script collection updated 11 may 2017. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot6.5 or later naeembabakheil Group: Members Posts: 40 Joined: Mar. 2011 Posted on: Mar.

27 2015,12:52 Thanks for your kind help. U help me lot man. U r gre8;) now i have little problem.;p i have put ghost.exe -clone,mode=restore,src=X: system.gho,dst=1:1 -sure -rb in Autoexec.bat file but still it ask for restoring partion and correct size of partition and little problem i havnt see my background image in VMWare but it was showing in Ezyboot see images below Edited by naeembabakheil on Mar. 27 2015,12:54 balder Group: Members Posts: 1936 Joined: Oct.

2008 Posted on: Mar. 27 2015,13:58 @naeembabakheil Quote: 'but still it ask for restoring partion and correct size of partition' Well it seems to me that size of your Ghost image (source) is 15360 MB but the destination (Local drive 1) size is 8192 MB You can not press in two liters of water in a one-liter bottle, but that's what you are doing My guess is that's why Ghost asks if partition size is correct and also ask to proceed with cloning. Try to use an larger partition to 'restore' Ghost image to Further more, VMWare is not an ideal partner to run ghost test to.

Again I guess that's why you also having problems with background picture Keep also in mind if you use solution 1024x768 (maximum solution) to background picture in EasyBoot, you are recommended to use 256 Color to Screen Mode So it seems you finally got DOS to work (launching Ghost from DOS floppy image) - EDIT! You may need to adjust switches in ghost as well I have no clue what you are doing here? Is it one harddisk with two partitions or two seperate hard disk units we are dealing with here? In case you have created ghost image from an partition (partition-1 I guess) then you must use different switches If using one hard disk with two partitions, then use this switches MSCDEX.EXE /D:cd001 /L:X PATH=a:;a: dos;x: ghost.exe -clone,mode=prestore,src=X: system.gho:1,dst=1:1 -sure -rb Note the prestore (not restore p for partition) and the X: system.gho:1 Note:1 after ghost image file (it sets ghost to only image back the first partition) Basically I have no clue what you are doing here - balder Edited by balder on Mar.


27 2015,16:49 - Download complete set of scripts including help file Note: Script collection updated 11 may 2017. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot6.5 or later naeembabakheil Group: Members Posts: 40 Joined: Mar.

2011 Posted on: Mar. 28 2015,00:22 Man. With background i think i use 16mb colour for 1024x768 image. I will try that. I have one single hardisk in Pc. For Ghost parttion, i have 2GB ghost image.

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I am testing it on VMware on virtual partion in Vmware. I am here to get help and to help others. Hahah my ghost is larger and on high compression so, my windows is larger than 4gb & compressed to 2gb ghost image file.i install ghost everything works all files copied but it cant load beoc Vmware detect as Dos so i think it copy files,but windows cant load.its ok it will work on pc.but now help me wih those asking message about proceding etc. Balder Group: Members Posts: 1936 Joined: Oct. 2008 Posted on: Mar.


It seems you have in VmWare one disk unit with two partitions to disk unit You can put your 'system.gho' file to partition-2 and use ghost switches in Autoexec.bat like this: MSCDEX.EXE /D:cd001 /L:X PATH=a:;a: dos;x: ghost.exe -clone,mode=prestore,src=1:2 system.gho:1,dst=1:1 -sure -rb This restore partition-1 using ghost image.file 'system.gho' that is put on partition-2 So, you are telling me to put my system.gho on my virtual partion 2 and edit that Autoexc.bat file and and install ghost to partion 1. But now tell me, should i create another.iso with modified Autoexc.bat using Ezyboot or use same.iso created with ezyboot and aother problem. I slect WIndows Xp option in VMware, and run Ghost it run fine but after 1% it ask fo floppy.txt file balder Group: Members Posts: 1936 Joined: Oct. 2008 Posted on: Mar. 29 2015,15:02 @naeembabakheil Quote: 'So, you are telling me to put my system.gho on my virtual partion 2 and edit that Autoexc.bat file and and install ghost to partion 1.'

Ms-dos Version

Well I have no clue what your intention is to do here I guess you like to setup windows to part-1 in VmWare and run testing of ghost on this VmWare (or something like that) Alternatively you want to 'restore' (load) an existing ghost image (with a Windows system) you have from somewhere else and ghost this to part-1 in VmWare, but this won't work as needed drivers etcetera isn't present in your Windows system. Quote: ' should i create another.iso with modified Autoexc.bat using Ezyboot or use same.iso created with ezyboot' Well it depends in if you are lazy or not Why not creating a new menu entry in Easyboot or even better up, create a submenu that only have ghost menu commands Note: I have no clue what you are doing here, do you have a large ghost image in folder disk1, and that's why you do not want to recreate ISO? Why don't you use 'simple solutions' instead of doing the 'final solution'? Put some files with size less than 1 MB on part-1 in VmWare (just to see if ghost is working okay) 2. Create Ghost image of Part-1 3.

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Create menu system in EasyBoot with different ghost floppy images that use different ghost switches (depending in what you want to do with Ghost) 4. Start doing experiments with EasyBoot - now with a ISO less than let's say 20 MB in size - you can rebuild that easy and fast (easy to redo if things don't work out) 5.